The Better Block Project

As part of the Oak Cliff Art Crawl several BFOCer’s along with Go Oak Cliff are creating a “living block” art installation, where we’ll be taking a car-centric four lane street with poor zoning and restrictive development ordinances, and convert it into a people-friendly neighborhood block. For two days only, we’ll install three pop-up businesses, including a coffee shop, flower store, and kids’ art studio and we’ll be bringing in historic lighting, outdoor cafe seating, and more. We’re working with the set design group, Shag Carpet, and have a team of artists, advocates, and residents all coming together to help pull the project together.

Currently, the city creates obstacles for businesses wishing to develop awnings, outdoor seating, live/work spaces, et al. This event is being developed to highlight the changes Dallas should focus on if it truly wants to compete with other major US cities.

Stay tuned for more details.


  1. Twinkle · ·

    So excited about this project! I can’t wait to see how it turns out for the neighborhood.

  2. […] weekend was the Better Block Project, a part of the Oak Cliff Art Crawl. Neighborhood activists explored that concept by creating […]

  3. […] Proceeds from the donation will go towards the non-profit Go Oak Cliff. Their focus is on supporting and inspiring the Historic Oak Cliff Community and they have organized some amazing projects in the area like the 7th Street Beautification Project and Better Block. […]

  4. […] a few setbacks, the Blues, Bandits, and Barbecue festival communicated on a larger scale what Better Block showed us last spring: forget TIFs and tax incentives, developer codling, and multi-million dollar […]

  5. […] ol’ Tyler Street. Founders Jason Roberts and Amy Cowan have inspired cities across the nation to create a “living charrette” to show the community how one block can be […]

  6. […] Street had their best sales numbers of all time this weekend during Oak Cliff Art Crawl’s Better Block installment, Jason Roberts tells us. And Matt Spillers of Eno’s says businesses in the Bishop […]

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